President Ferdinand "Bong-Bong" Romualdez Marcos, Jr. to address Filipino RSEs

President Ferdinand “Bong-Bong” Romualdez Marcos, Jr.will address Filipino Researchers, Scientists, Engineers, innovators including social scientists and attend the hybrid celebration of 90th General Membership Assembly of the DOST-National Research Council of the Philippines (DOST-NRCP).   

More than a thousand members of the DOST-NRCP will convene to discuss “Science and Governance: Shaping Policies Towards a Positive VUCAD2 Future” on March 10-11, 2023 at the Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City, Manila. 

PBBM will attend and deliver a message on the first day of the event, which shall draw insights from scientists, researchers, government policymakers, and science and academic leaders on how to achieve VUCAD2 or a Visionary, Understandable, Clear, Agile, Digital, Diverse world. 

The said event will also feature plenary and parallel sessions on conflict resolutions for good governance, gender and inclusivity in science and governance, climate change, green economy, closing the digital divide, and vaccine self-reliance and sufficiency. 

Dr. Melody B. Burkins, Ordinary Member of the Governing Board of the International Science Council and Director of the Institute of Arctic Studies at Dartmouth College will headline the event as a keynote speaker on the event’s theme.  Meanwhile, DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr. will present how DOST and the scientific community contribute to the VUCAD2 Future. 

There are six parallel sessions, which include talks from Ms. Renia C. Corocoto, Director IV from the National Security Council of the Philippines (NSCP) and Associate Member, NRCP Division of Governmental, Education, and International Policies (Session 1, Conflict Resolution for Good Governance and International Relations); Dr. Carolyn I. Sobritchea, former director of the University Center for Women’s Studies, UP Diliman (Session 2, Gender and Inclusivity in Science and Governance); and Academician Rex Victor O. Cruz, Regular Member of the NRCP Division of Agriculture and Forestry and University Scientist III, UP Los Baños (Session 3, Unprecedented Climate Change). 

Prof. Anthony Shun C. Fung Chiu, a Professor from De La Salle University and a Regular Member of the NRCP Division of Engineering and Industrial Research will focus on the Greener Economy (Session 4). Usec. Jocelle Batapa-Sigue, Undersecretary for ICT Industry Development of the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) will have a discussion on Closing the Digital Divide Towards SDGs (Session 5), while Dr. Nina G. Gloriani, Chairperson, Vaccine Expert Panel – Technical Working Group for COVID-19 Vaccines, DOST-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, will talk about Vaccine Self-reliance and sufficiency (Session 6). 

The business meeting and the oath-taking of newly elected members and new NRCP Associate and Regular Members will be held on March 11, 2023 (Day 2). NRCP will also commemorate the lives of departed NRCP members to be led by Dr. Cristine D. Villagonzalo, President of NRCP and Chair of the Division of Physics. Another highlight during the 90th GMA is the announcement of winners of the Poster Exhibit and Competition.

Around 1,300 member researchers, onsite and online, are expected to attend the assembly .