NRCP approves 3 new RD Leaders for CatSU, PNRI, and MMSU-CoastER

Written by: : Maradika Ysiaba m. Ramos

Newly approved RD Leaders: Dr. Leny Galvez (Catanduanes State University (CatSU)), Ms. Adelina DM Bulos (Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI)), and Dr. Olivia Cabrera (Mariano Marcos State University-Coastal Engineering Research Center (MMSU-CoastER))

The National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) has approved 3 new Research and Development Leaders during the latest meeting of the NRCP Evaluation Committee (NEC) of the RDLead last September 21, 2023, via Zoom. The 3 new RD Leaders are the first batch of RD Leaders under the Enhanced Research and Development Leadership to Foster and Inclusive Research Ecosystem (RDLead FIRE), the second iteration of the RDLead, still implemented by the NRCP with funding from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) under the grants-in-aid (GIA) program.

The 3 new RD Leaders are:

  1. Dr. Leny C. Galvez, a Molecular Biology and Plant Pathology expert

Dr. Galvez will capacitate the researchers and personnel of the Catanduanes State University (CatSU) in Region V. Her leadership and expertise will be tapped to help CatSU develop innovative technologies for the abaca industry particularly in the management of plant diseases that affect abaca production in the province of Catanduanes, dubbed as the Abaca Capital of the Philippines. Further, she is also tasked to help fortify linkages of CatSU with various stakeholders to ensure more impactful collaboration to support the abaca industry players, especially the Abacaleros (abaca farmers and strippers).

  1. Ms. Adelina DM Bulos, an expert on radiopharmaceuticals and radioisotope applications for nuclear medicine, industry, and environment

Ms. Bulos will help the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) in advancing the use of radiopharmaceutical technologies and ensure the successful establishment of the Nuclear Medicine Research and Innovation Centre (NMRIC) of PNRI. Her engagement with PNRI will build on the foundations that PNRI has set in nuclear medicine to ensure that its nuclear medicine program realizes its objectives.

  1. Dr. Olivia Cabrera, an oceanography and numerical modeling expert

Dr. Cabrera will serve as RD Leader for the Mariano Marcos State University–Coastal Engineering and Management Research and Development Center (MMSU–CoastER) in region 1. Dr. Cabrera is set to enhance the technical expertise of the MMSU–CoastER when it comes to oceanography and numerical modelling, which are important in the implementation of the projects of the center

Left to Right (top row): Ms. Rizza Canon, Project Technical Assistant (PTA) VI; Ms. Maradika Ysiaba M. Ramos, PTA VI; Mr. Marfy H. Lita, Project Science Technical Specialist; and Dr. Maria Cecilia G. Conaco, NEC Member. 2nd row: Ms. Glenda T. Sacbibit, NEC Member; Dr. Roger A. Panlasigui, NEC Member; Engr. Vasco Valdez – Project 4 Leader MMSU-CoastER, and Dr. Olivia Cabrera, RD Leader. Bottom row: Ms. Christine Mata - MMSU Project Technical Specialist IV, Ms. Racquel Espiritu, DOST I Assistant Regional Director (ARD) for Technical Services, Ms. Annalie Rosales - DOST I Science Research Specialist, and Mr. Decth-1180 P. Libuano - DOST I ARD for Field Operations.

The engagement of the new RD Leaders is expected to strengthen the research capabilities of the faculty, researchers, and personnel of CatSU, MMSU–CoastER, and PNRI. The RD Leaders and their host institutions will work closely with each other to deliver their respective outputs according to the engagements terms of reference (TOR). Each engagement will have 1 year duration, during which, the agreed activities and outputs are to be delivered.