This book features NRCP Outstanding Researchers, Scientists, and Technologists as stars,heroes, and celebrities whose lives and research works are worthy of emulation and honor. Articles and commentaries contain relevant aspects of their life, their passion for research/science, their dreams for the country, and advice for the youth. Ultimately, this book aims to be a medium for the socialization of the Filipino youth into a science culture by inspiring and motivating its readers, particularly, secondary- and tertiary-level, towards S&T degrees. Each copy comes with an INTERACTIVE CD and a AVP of the NRCP History.
Hard Bound is sold at PhP518.00 and the Soft Bound is sold at PhP422.00. To order, you can calll 837-6141 and look for MS. ALICIA C. MERCADO, Chief of the NRCP Research Information and Dissemination Division.