NRCP launches BURDA for CEST in 2023 NSTW, gets full support from DOST

Information Officer II

On November 25, 2023, just before the last day of the annual celebration of the National Science, Technology, and Innovation Week (NSTW 2023) in Iloilo Convention Center, the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) proudly launched the popularized, research-based knowledge products, Bridging of the Utilization for Research and Development results through Awareness and dissemination for Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (BURDA for CEST), with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Regional Directors as an human resource development component of CEST

DOST Undersecretary for Regional Operations Engr. Sancho A. Mabborang pledged the full support of DOST to BURDA for CEST.

“The Regional and Provincial S&T offices are 100% supportive of this project and we committed to working with NRCP and our CEST communities in shepherding it to its success.”

Further, he mentioned that R&D awareness and dissemination can instrumentalize science, technology, and innovation in providing a strongly rooted, comfortable, and secure life for all Filipinos.

NRCP officials and staff, together with DOST Undersecretary for Regional Operations and Regional Directors, launches BURDA for CEST on November 25, 2023 during the 2023 NSTW at Iloilo Convention Center, Mandurriao, Iloilo City.

BURDA for CEST symbolizes the sincere dedication of the Council in sharing the fruition of DOST services and outputs with CEST beneficiaries namely conflict-affected areas, marginalized sectors, remote regions, indigenous groups, and women’s organizations. It aims to raise awareness and enhance literacy levels of identified CEST communities in science, technology, and the arts through various communication forms translated into popular/laymanized, culture-sensitive, gender-responsive and research-based knowledge products.


Comprised of 16 animated episodes from 19 NRCP-funded research projects, BURDA for CEST had reached 11 communities with 410 participants from vulnerable groups such as indigenous peoples (IPs), women’s organizations, farmers, fisherfolk, rural teachers and students, and Filipinos residing in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA) through the BURDA for CEST roll outs.

Mr. Crispin Valencia, leader of Aeta community in Sitio, Kati-Kati Guimaras

One of them is Mr. Crispin Valencia who leads the vibrant Aeta community in Sitio, Kati-Kati Guimaras. During the launch, Mr. Valencia delivered his warm appreciation to DOST, NRCP, and the Project through a video recording.

“Dahil dito (BURDA for CEST) marami kaming dagdag kaalamang natutunan. Tulad na lang ng wastong pag-aala sa aming mga hayop at pagbibigay ng gamot dito. Natutunan din namin ang wastong pagharvest at paghanda ng mga gulay hanggang sa aming hapagkainan.”

NRCP also brings researchers during BURDA for CEST roll outs in the regions to provide an in-depth and contextualized supplementary lecture on the topic. NRCP researchers present their research results after video showings. Through this, the participants and NRCP expert-researchers are given a platform to converse and learn from each other.

An official rollout of BURDA for CEST animated videos was also conducted in 11 out of 16 regions which serves as the green signal of a strengthened promotion of basic research results to CEST regions that is further powered through the memorandums of agreement and understanding forged with the DOST regions, Provincial S&T Offices, provincial and municipal Local Government Units (LGUs), and Department of Education (DepEd) in district levels. These 11 regions were: NCR, CAR, I, II, IVB, V, VI, X, XI, XII, and XIII.

In Photos: NRCP, DOST-XII, PSTO-South Cotabato, and Indigenous Learning School during MOU signing and Turnover of BURDA for CEST knowledge products
In Photos: Pilot rollout of BURDA for CEST in Sitio Kati-Kati, Guimaras

In addition to this pursuit, the Council plans to continue equipping local science champions through a series of capacity building in science popularization and use of knowledge products–similar to the three (3) training-workshops conducted with DOST, community leaders, and LGU members on December 9, 2022, March 31, 2023, and June 30, 2023.

The Council and the Regional Offices anticipate five (5) more rollouts in Regions III, IVA, VII, XIII, and IX by the first quarter of 2024.

View BURDA for CEST 2023 summary video here.